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No spreading of any copyrighted material


No form of theft will be used here.  This includes and is not limited to character theft, image theft, etc..

If you notice anyone showing any signs of theft please report them to the mods.


Please keep descriptive romantic and sexual scenes  off of our site



Keep images moderately appropriate


We understand your use of images to show off your characters.  Please just keep them moderately appropriate, would you be willing to show the picture to your parents?

If not don't post it.

We have some leniency on this topic.  Please refrain from posting any sex scenes, fade to black when necessary.  However, kissing is allowed, just keep genitalia out of it.  We leave this to your own discretion.   We are trying to run a PG 16 website.

Be nice in OOC

Don't blame the player blame the character.  Racist characters and LGBTQ+ haters are allowed to give their opinions only in the roleplay if their character is this type of person.  In OCC please keep these kinds of comments to yourself.  If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

Swearing is allowed

Keep the site positive

Swearing is permitted on this site so long as it is used appropriately.  Swearing cannot be directed at another roleplayer or their character, but two characters can be calling each other whatever they like.

The header says it all, ensure that all OOC discussions are a positive experience.  If you really feel something is wrong, report it to the mods, but please try to resolve it on your own first.  It would be recommended that you do this in Personal Messaging.

Site Rules

Rules for the common dreamers.


The answer to the most frequently asked questions lie here.  Please browse.

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